Covenant Children & Youth Programming Registration Form 2024-2025

Welcome to Children's Education at Covenant Presbyterian Church! Please use this form to register newborns through 12th-grade youth.

Our Nursery is open 9AM-12PM for children newborn through 2 years old.

Kaleidoscope Kids is offered at 9:00 worship only for children 3 years old through 1st grade.

Sunday School is offered from 10-11AM for children 3 years old through 8th grade.
Family Information

Children Information

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Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.
Please select one option.
Please select all that apply.
High School Youth Opportunities

If you have a High School student who is interested in assisting with Kaleidoscope, Sunday School, or nursery, please indicate so below.
Please select all that apply.
Additional Information

Individuals authorized to pick up newborns through 5th-grade children. These individuals must sign-out the child(ren). Please include yourself in this list.
Note: for nursery only those 15 and older may pick up nursery kids.  

Please select one option.

Please select one option.
Please select one option.


Welcome to Children's Education at Covenant Presbyterian Church! Please use this form to register newborns through 12th-grade youth.

Our Nursery is open 9AM-12PM for children newborn through 2 years old.

Kaleidoscope Kids is offered at 9:00 worship only for children 3 years old through 1st grade.

Sunday School is offered from 10-11AM for children 3 years old through 8th grade.